Freya is certified.

We are proud to partner with the Green Circle Salons' movement of keeping beauty sustainable.

What are Green Circle Salons?

Green Circle Salons keep people and the planet beautiful.

Green Circle Salons offers a comprehensive recycle and repurposing program that ensures hair, foils, color tubes, plastics, papers, and chemicals get diverted out of our waste and water streams. This means that between 85%-95% of waste from the salon will now be diverted out of our landfill spaces. Visit the Green Circle Salon website to learn more about their movement.



On top of ensuring all garbage from the salon is separated from recyclables, Freya also keeps hair separated so that it can have a second life helping to clean up oil spills!



Even each and every lightbulb from Freya is sent to the Green Circle Salon group for re-purposing. Light bulbs contain metals and toxic chemicals. Recycling prevents contaminating the environment.


color tubes

Hair foils, color tubes, plastics, papers, and chemicals are diverted out of our landfills and water systems. Green Circle hand sorts and separates color chemicals from their packaging, unlike standard city recycling programs. So, you can feel good about your hair color results, and know your impact on the planet is minimal!